Strategic Guidance
IDEATE works with clients to develop short- and long-term strategies to identify and address issues, including the economic, social and political feasibility of implementing solutions.

Business Development
IDEATE works with the business sector to identify policies that will advance the productivity of the company as well as remove barriers.  

Asset Mapping
IDEATE conducts an inventory of internal and external resources that may be available to the client in addressing issues, including local and state decision-makers and other partners.

Political Networking
IDEATE connects clients to a broad-based network of federal, state and local decision-makers in government in order to advance issues.

Public Relations
IDEATE uses its extensive network to bring diverse groups of stakeholders together to address issues, including but not limited to business groups, non-profit communities, advocacy organizations, and research institutes.

Research Translation
IDEATE gathers and collects pertinent information and research pertaining to specific issues and translates research into actionable policy recommendations.

Coalition Building
IDEATE connects and manages diverse stakeholders to augment individual voices in a unified coalition ensuring stakeholders have the correct set of tools to work effectively and cohesively.

Policy Analysis
As necessary, IDEATE conducts an analysis of existing or proposed local, state, or federal policy. Analysis may include tracking existing legislation. 

Policy Development
Working in coordination with clients, IDEATE develops or refines local, state, federal, regulatory or legislative policy recommendations to address issues.

Policy Implementation
IDEATE develops work-plans to implement policy recommendations, which may include a legislative strategy, a communications plan, and general outreach plan.

Legislative Technical Support
IDEATE works with clients to develop and implement a legislative action plan, including but not limited to assessing political feasibility of proposals, securing authors for legislation, drafting legislative language, providing expert testimony, finding relevant research, and coordinating support.

Decision-Maker Education
IDEATE works with Assembly/Senate leadership or ethnic causes to inform staff and members on emerging issues.